Tuesday 1 April 2008

Save some cash...

Are you struggling to earn money - well instead I'm putting together some offers for saving money, at my new blog. It will be packed with all of the latest discount codes that I can get my hands on - so subscribe today!

Friday 22 February 2008

Working From Home, My Thoughts

The first thing I have to say because its probably the most important thing I can tell you is to get educated before you even decide to possibly buy anything telling you "Make 250,000 Now!" Education is very important before you jump in and get your hands wet. There are a lot of courses online, articles, programs and videos that teaches you this. Some of them free and some of them not. I have decided to try affiliate marketing, I have not achieved success to the point of "Wow! I just made 800 dollars!" No, not quite there yet. Reason being because I am still trying to get educated the best I can, I don't want to make any more mistakes than I already have.

I quite my job to accomplish working at home, might of been a bad decision, might of been good. I don't really know yet. I have days where I lose motivation because I do not get sales like crazy. I'm no expert but I'm not a phony either. The main thing though is dedication. If you can't dedicate yourself to make that first sale, then it probably won't happen for a long time. Hard work, motivation and free time are essential for starting up. Now luckily for me where I am currently unemployed I have all of the above. And because I know it won't happen, I don't believe in making money overnight. Reason being because it takes work, and when you press that elusive "Buy" button on a product that you are not sure of you could get unhappy fast. Trust me I have been there, and it sucks, a lot... I have not yet sat and reviewed my bank account and visa to see how much I have spent for my online education or the typical "buy this and make 200 dollars a day" I will be reviewing it though. Only some of the stuff I paid for was worth it, the rest was a joke, literally. So hopefully by reading this no one dives right in and starts doing what I did, impulse buying. That's actually my own problem I need to conquer though, but it can burn a hole in your wallet if you are not careful.

The next piece of information I want lay before you is very important. If you are not sure about the online business and how you want to join or start up your own than join a forum. Forums are always very helpful, I am a member of two for work at home and they have both helped me understand things a bit clearer. Doing some research on Google is ok too, but make sure its only research, sometimes one review of a product may be good and other times you can catch not so good reviews.

Last on the list is trust. Its best to find a trustworthy resource. My main project right now is to make a review site of sorts. I already have paid for all of this, but its still under development. When its ready I will share it with the web and probably post a article about it. My site will only have reviews on things I have already bought and used myself. I made the decision weeks ago that I was not going to lie to anyone. People new to online marketing do not need that. I have been lied to before and trust me when all you are trying to do is earn extra cash or start a simple online business its not right to be let down and lied to by those programs or people.

I hope my thoughts here today have helped, like I said I am not an expert, but not a phony either.

I do not have a professional looking email at this time because I am still making my website, but if you do have questions, comments or concerns then please email me at: surveyhelper1@yahoo.com

My name is Lee Wolsey, I write reviews of many things. I will have a new website published soon, but until then my only form of contact is though my email: surveyhelper1@yahoo.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lee_Wolsey

Thursday 21 February 2008

Advantages To Starting Your Proven Home Based Business

There are many advantages of starting a Proven Home Based Business. The obvious one of course is you are working on your own time and not working for someone else. You have the flexibility to be your own boss and schedule your time around what is important to you. There are many misconceptions to starting a Home Based Business.

Many people believe it is very difficult to start and maintain a profitable business. With the right amount of support and help starting a home business is no more difficult then having any regular job. It takes time, energy and a certain amount of learning. Yes there are scams out there that try and get you to believe you can get rich over night by being lazy and doing nothing. Well I have never seen that work so if you're someone who is gull able then go right a head but I sure do not recommend it.

Like I said starting a home business is just like anything else you must take the time to learn the necessary fundamentals and then take the time to allow your business to grow. I entered in to this business because I was fascinated with the people that were able to become successful just by sticking to the basics of online marketing and using their skills and tools that they had learned over a short period of time and allowing that to grow in to a functional and profitable business. I also was very intrigued by the small amount of money it cost to get your business up and running. So you can start with very little and with the right tools and techniques you can feel the same satisfactions and achievement that I was able to feel.

The internet is the wave of the future. More and more people are looking to the internet to help make them successful. Why not? Everyone know days has access to a computer and the internet which makes Starting a Business from Home that much more appealing. Now there are many programs out there that are scams so this is where it become tricky. It is easy to get sucked in to something that won't help you make money in the long run. You must find a program that gives great support either through a forum, email or phone that will allow you to address your questions and problems. That is the most important. A strong support system that gives help and assistance in starting a Home Business shows that that particular program is successful and has allowed many people to profit from it.

Just like any other Business there are many challenges in running a proven home based business. It might be difficult at first but keep at it. Trust that you are learning the skills that will help you profit in the long run. You can't build a business over night. So stay patient and determined. Because once you make that first sale it really is one of the greatest feelings of achievement. Before you know it that one sale will turn in to 5 and then 10 and grow and grow.

As you can see there are many advantages of starting a Proven Home Based Business Remember to learn the basics and reach out for help when you need it. Stay determined and motivated and you will become a successful online marketer.

Proven Home Based Business

The HomeBizMachine Blog

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Travis_Helgeson

Wednesday 20 February 2008

Start Your Own Business Or Employ Yourself?

I would like to believe that the majority of us love the idea of running your own business or working for yourself. Personally, I was one of those people who didn't like getting up in the morning to go and work for someone else. The only way out was by employing myself or starting my own legitimate small business. The majority of us really like this sort of independence that comes with owning your own business, but we are not courageous enough to make the move or necessary step to better our careers. Its only those who try and actually do something about it who end up independent and financially free. We obviously know that nothing comes to you but you have to go out there and get what you want. Thats only the beginning.

Everyone is capable of being successful but there are so many people out there who do not believe in themselves. They actually put themselves down before they even try. So they have failed before they try. Put everything you have into it and believe in yourself. Research and find the best business going, work hard at it and thats a good start. Believing in yourself is the first great step you can ever take.

Self-motivation is the best remedy to succeed in business. If you are not self-motivated you are bound or destined to fail. If you can't motivate yourself who is going to motivate you to succeed? Remember you are in this by yourself and you have to cover your own back all the time because no one is going to do that for you.

Stay away from people who offer you business startup ideas and systems and ask you for a payment for their so called proven system. If you try and hang around with these guys you are building yourself for failure. There are a lot of free resource organisations that can help you start and build you business from scratch. If you are going to pay someone make sure they are recognised and they are not going to take your money from you.

A lot of people think you need thousands of dollars to start a business. You can actually start a business on a shoe string budget. There are a lot of businesses you can start with close to nothing. Personally, I started my business with only a hundred dollars but at the moment I'm surviving pretty well.

All the best if you are trying to break away from the traditional everyday get up in the morning and go to work rat race system. Ambition is always good. Don't be lead but lead and build a future for yourself.

More at: http://www.netbizguides.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kudzai_Mukono

Tuesday 19 February 2008

Valued Opinions

Valued Opinions lets you earn from 50p for taking part in their online surveys. Once your earnings reach £10, you have a choice of a £10 Arcadia Group vouchers (Burton, Dorothy Perkins, evans, Miss Selfridge, Outfit, Topshop, Topman, Wallis), Amazon voucher, Boots voucher, HMV voucher, Tesco voucher, Argos voucher, Marks & Spencer voucher or John Lewis voucher, or of donating the £10 to the British Red Cross, WWF, World Vision or Amnestry International (this list is obviously subject to change).

As with many of these survey schemes, you might be invited to take part in a survey for which you are not eligible. What happens is you are asked a few basic questions and if after these you cannot take part, then you are entered into quarterly prize draw for £250.

Monday 18 February 2008

Revolutionary Facts For You to Learn Before You Start Your Homebased Business and Get Scammed

Revolutionary Facts For You to Learn Before You Start Your Homebased Business and Get Scammed
By Sheryl L Strasser

The Benefits of Finding a Homebased Business Opportunity

Working from home as the owner of your own homebased business is extremely appealing to all sorts of people, from office executives to stay at home parents and retirees. For some, the freedom to work on their own schedule is the best part, allowing them time for their family or to pursue new hobbies. For others, it's the ability to make their own decisions and control their own finances.

Finding the best homebased business opportunity for you isn't always easy. There are millions of different opportunities available. Unfortunately, with such fast paced growth in online entrepreneurship, there are just as many scams available. Examine offers carefully and do your research before signing up for anything, especially if it requires payment.

The Best Homebased Business for You
Think about your personal interests, as well as your skills, if you are considering a home based business. There are so many different options available; it would be a good idea to narrow down those you would be most successful with. A general online search can return a wealth of information, but will require careful investigation of each company to avoid scams.

Some of the best homebased business ideas include:

• Offering a service you excel in, like writing, art, or graphic design.

• Selling items that interest you online or through a website like eBay.

• Joining an affiliate marketing program and promote other business's products.

• Writing ebooks or make a product to sell online.

• Becoming a virtual assistant, providing advice or training in an area you excel in, and more.

With so many different homebased business opportunities out there, how do you decide on the best one for you?

That can be difficult, especially if you're new to the world of working from home. Thankfully, there are thousands of resources available. If you have some idea of what you would like to do from home, there are websites, books, and even courses that can help you get started.

Internet marketing is one of the most popular, not to mention most profitable, homebased business opportunities around. There are several different programs to choose from and it is important to carefully compare the various details of each. Consider the price of joining the program and what that includes. Some homebased business opportunities offer training, materials, and even leads. It is also important to review the feedback of others on the company before deciding if it is right for you.

Enjoying the many benefits of working from home is within reach. For the best results, try a homebased business part time until you see if it the best choice. You may start two different home based businesses or continue working at the office until you decide on the most enjoyable and most profitable option.

Sheryl Strasser is a small business internet marketing consultant who can help you grow your business and achieve more traffic, higher sales conversions and expand your businesses opportunities. To learn more about Sheryl and get some of her free internet marketing advise visit her blog at: http://www.greatworkathomeincome.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sheryl_L_Strasser

Sunday 17 February 2008

Proofreading Jobs at Home

How often do you read a book or a newspaper and become frustrated with the spelling, grammar, or layout mistakes? If you are one of those people then maybe you should consider proofreading jobs. There are, in fact, a number of home-based proofreading jobs available. You just need to know where to look for those jobs and how to distinguish between the legitimate jobs and scams.

First you need to determine if you have what it takes to become a proofreader. Do you have an eye for detail? Proofreading is a job that requires an above average grasp of language, grammar, and vocabulary. You need to understand how words are supposed to be placed on a page. To qualify for proofreading jobs at home, though, you also need to have an understanding of basic proofreading symbols, styles of writing, and printing requirements. A good proofreader works with all of these factors.

If you feel like you have some of the skills for proofreading jobs at home, but are unsure just how good your skills may be, then you may want to consider taking some proofreading tests online. There are also classes that will help you develop the skills to become a professional proofreader. The more you practice, the better your skills will become. Many of these classes also offer resources to find proofreading jobs at home.

When you feel that you have enough skills built up to proofread professionally, then you can start looking for proofreading jobs at home. There are a number of resources you can use to find these jobs. There are specific resources that focus directly on proofreading and editing, but you can also find proofreading jobs on journalism, writing, and other websites.

Besides general job boards, you may also find proofreading jobs through publishing companies, magazines, newspapers and more. It may take more digging to find proofreading jobs at home, as many of the big employers of proofreaders require your presence in the office several days a week. Still, that does not mean that the home-based jobs are not to be found.

The other obstacle is the common proofreading scam. Some companies will post "jobs" online luring people interested in this kind of Home Based Business. They then require a "sample page" from each applicant. The sample pages are actually manuscript pages, and it is a way for a company to basically get the pages proofread for free. While both legitimate companies and scams may require these sample pages, it is hard to know when you are looking at a scam versus a legitimate job. Therefore, you should research any companies to which you apply.

Learn more about Proofreading Jobs at Home here.

Copyright © Charles Fuchs is an established online marketer who specializes in helping people start their very own Home Based Business. He has also created dozens of articles such as Make Money Online and Easy Home Based Business

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charles_Fuchs